Creation of a website for an archaeological bureau

Client: Archaeological research

Type of: Business card

Start date: 10 May 2019

Finish date: 18 May 2019


About project


The business card website was created in May 2019 for Progress LLC, a specialized organization that performs the whole range of archaeological work aimed at complying with the legislation in the field of protecting cultural heritage sites.


The site is made on the WordPress platform, adapted for mobile devices. Template design was used.

Site modules

For easy navigation on the site, we used several sections containing the necessary information about the company, work and services.

Home page

Header (site header) includes a logo, top horizontal menu with a convenient navigation chain.

The slider acts as a decorative element; can be used to post information that needs to be presented to users in the first place (promotions, best portfolio works, and so on).

Footer (site footer) includes contact information, information about the site owner, vertical menu, pop-up «Up» button for convenient and smooth scrolling of text in the block.


For the convenience of users, a section with a drop-down list of the list of services has been created. Each service has its own description page.


On the page «Portfolio» there is a photo gallery with the works of the company; images are enlarged when pressed with the cursor.


This section contains contact information: address, telephone, e-mail, manager. Also, a Google Maps map was installed on the static page for a convenient search for the company’s office.


This section contains unique articles on the subject of the work of the archaeological bureau, company news and other useful information for visitors.

Back call

To communicate with the company, to apply for a call back, as well as to collect the client base, we installed a feedback form, which is an interactive module — a pop-up window.


The site was filled with new text and graphic content useful for the user. Mandatory uniqueness of the material increases traffic and commercial indicators (calls, requests, sales). This is part of the agency’s work to promote the website of the Progress company. You can read more about this in our article «SEO for a narrow topic of an archaeological bureau».

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