Online store promotion

Why do you need to promote an online store?

Answer 1

Working on an online store is a wide range of tasks, but as a result you get free traffic and sales growth.

Answer 2

The cost of advertising campaigns will decrease. With the help of SEO for an online store, you get organic growth of users from search engines, which allows you to reduce the cost of advertising acquisition channels.

Answer 3

Improving user experience. Traffic and leads growth, and website behavior improvement can only be expected when using honest white-hat SEO.

Stages of cooperation

Stage 1

Analysis and development of a website promotion strategy:

  • We discuss goals
  • We analyze the site, fix the indicators
  • Comparison with competitors, looking for weaknesses
  • We draw up a detailed plan

Stage 2

Stage 2 — Optimizing

  • We carry out technical optimization
  • Collecting search queries
  • We increase commercial and behavioral factors
  • We increase the recognition and ranking of the site
  • We write quality text content
  • Building up trust links to a domain

Stage 3

Stage 3 — Tracking the result

  • Improving site positions
  • Increase in traffic to the site
  • Improving behavioral factors
  • Increase in time on the site of each visitor
  • Reduced bounce rate

For an online store to be successful, it is not enough to create a beautiful and user-friendly website. It is important to carry out its proper promotion: it allows you to increase the number of buyers and, accordingly, increase profits.
In addition, the correct promotion of an online store makes it possible to achieve the following goals:

  • Increase search traffic

Following the recommendations of search engines allows you to strengthen their «trust» and thus move to the TOP for a number of queries or as close to it as possible.

  • Reduce the cost of calls

After reaching the TOP of certain queries, organic traffic grows. This means that the price of each new circulation will decrease.

  • Increase conversions

SEO promotion of an online store makes it possible to increase customer loyalty, which leads to an increase in conversions. Visitors appreciate when the site is as convenient as possible: the navigation is thought out, a system of filters is developed, detailed descriptions and high-quality photos are provided in the product cards.

The search promotion service is essential for all online stores, regardless of their size. Regular and thoughtful work gives a positive (and long-term!) Result.

Stages of website promotion

  • Acquaintance and audit

At the start of the promotion, we study the site of the online store itself and its competitors, delve into the niche. Next, we conduct an audit: we evaluate the convenience of the resource for users and compliance with the recommendations of search engines. The result is information about the strengths and weaknesses of the site and conclusions, which aspects should be given special attention.

  • Collecting the semantic core (SY)

We carry out using the programs Wordstat, Serpstat, Bukvarix (with a large kernel, we additionally use the Key Collector). In order not to miss important requests, we act in two directions at once: we analyze both the competitors’ keywords and marker requests (those that correspond to the promoted page, for example, the names of categories). This allows you to achieve maximum results when promoting your online store.

Then we group the phrases by meaning. When a search engine finds the same phrases in different URLs, they are combined into one group. This is necessary for the formation of the structure, development of the content plan, linking. Next, the most important step in promoting an online store is the distribution of the YA among landing pages. Then users who come to the site from the search engine will find themselves on the most suitable keyword phrase page.

  • Structure

This is one of the most important stages, since a properly designed structure is the key to the trust of search engines to the site. When promoting an online store, a thematic structure is most often appropriate: it allows you to classify all goods or services into separate categories according to certain topics. In our work, we strive to achieve the following goals:

  • intuitively accessible gradation: the user must understand where to look for what product;
  • logical nesting of pages: the goal is a minimum of clicks when searching for what you need;
  • simple navigation: the menu, «bread crumbs», blocks «Popular» and «Related products» will enable the user to quickly navigate the assortment and, as a result, the average check will increase.
  • Content

The basis is useful for the user and unique texts. These are descriptions of goods and categories, blog articles, other materials (for example, information in the sections «Delivery and payment», «Warranty»). Also, high-quality photos of goods and video reviews help to attract the target audience and increase the «trust» of search engines — this is an equally important stage in promoting an online store.

  • Optimizing partitions

At this stage of the SEO promotion of an online store, we prescribe meta tags or, if necessary, change them, carry out linking, and adjust the density of keys. Sections for optimization are prioritized during the audit phase.

  • Usability

The task of this stage of promoting an online store is to simplify the user interaction with the site as much as possible. In particular, it is necessary to ensure:

  • fast loading pages;
  • simplicity and clarity of the menu;
  • the presence of the necessary elements on the main page (contacts, registration button, shopping cart, search);
  • simplified registration forms.

All this allows you to ensure high-quality promotion of your online store.

  • Position analysis

It includes the withdrawal of positions using the Topvisor and Yandex.Webmaster services, their comparison with a certain period. Using this method, it is possible to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of promoting an online store. In case of a fall, it is important to find the cause and eliminate it.

  • Work on external link promotion

To place external links, we select resources with a good reputation that correspond to the topic of the online store. We strive to provide mostly “eternal” links.

Why us

  • Cases

For 11 years of work on the market, we have been promoting online stores of various sizes and directions. During this period, we have gained experience in solving almost all problems arising during the promotion and successfully apply it in working with new clients.

  • Security

If you are planning to order an online store promotion from us, then do not worry about the methods used. We work in accordance with the principles of «white» SEO: this means that the site will not fall under the filters of search engines.

  • Transparency

The client sees the entire list of work on the promotion of an online store and their prices, respectively, understands what he is paying for.

Contact our agency Web112 — we will carry out high-quality promotion of your online store at a reasonable price.

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