Instagram advertising
What is included in the service of advertising a profile on Instagram

Answer 1

Site analysis

Answer 2

Working with USP (unique selling proposition)

Answer 3

Competitor monitoring

Answer 4

Audience selection

Answer 5

Setting up ad groups

Instagram advertising

Advertising on Instagram has a number of advantages over alternative promotion methods. For example, the ability to launch a campaign with a small budget, focus clearly on the target audience, large coverage. Fast results, scalability, and prompt adjustments when necessary are no less important for the business.

But all of the above advantages are relevant only if configured correctly. This is why it is important to choose a responsible and professional contractor.

Who needs to promote on Instagram

This site is ideal for those types of businesses whose goods, services or other products are easy to visualize. For example, these types of organizations can be:

  • cafes, bars, food delivery and other catering establishments;
  • clothing manufacturers and stores;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • travel operators and agencies;
  • hotels, recreation centers, sanatoriums;
  • fitness centers and sports clubs;
  • jewelry factories;
  • auto and motorcycle dealerships;
  • private handmade workshops.

In such cases, setting up Instagram ads is most effective. However, the list above is not limited to. Promotion in this social network may well be successful for those companies whose activities are more difficult to unambiguously demonstrate in photographs (law firms, banks, medical centers).

However, if there is no target audience on Instagram, there is no point in advertising there. For example, this applies to the purchase and sale of an apartment or some specific services, such as renting an excavator.

Instagram Ads Results

Before starting the page promotion, the main goals of the campaign are determined. On their basis, a strategy is drawn up. It is possible to set such tasks and, accordingly, obtain the following results.

  • Brand recognition

All other things being equal, a customer is more likely to choose a product of a brand that is familiar to him. Therefore, it is important to attract the attention of the target audience to the company by informing about the benefits of interaction. To increase consumer confidence, it is wise to focus on the strengths of the enterprise relative to the competition.

To increase loyalty, the ad may use the logo and name of the product / brand, information about a product or service, information about new products and promotions.

  • Increased sales

Instagram targeting allows you to attract new audiences, generate customer returns, and drive cross-selling. All of the above applies to both online and offline representations of the company.

  • Reduced conversion cost

Thanks to the most accurate settings for advertising on Instagram, the cost of sales can be reduced, and the percentage of targeted hits can be increased. We achieve this goal by carefully selecting audiences, developing creatives, and testing. Advertising money is spent with the maximum benefit for the company.

  • Formation of need

It is relevant if a new and interesting, but still unknown product has entered the market. In this case, the target audience must be informed about the benefits of this product or service and thus motivate potential customers to purchase.

The following will work on advertising your Instagram profile:

  • Project Manager

Is a link between the client and the agency team. Transmits the wishes of the customer to specialists and provides feedback.

  • Targetologist

Responsible for the campaign as a whole. Develops a strategy, performs technical setup of Instagram ads, conducts A / B testing.

  • Designer

Responsible for the visual component of the campaign. Creates «catchy» images, selects readable fonts, and monitors the adherence to the style of the brand in general and the page of the account in particular.

  • Copywriter

Writes ad texts and, if necessary, selects slogans for an ad layout. Speaks the language of the target audience, articulates the benefits of the product based on the needs of the client — and all this in accordance with the tone of voice of the brand.

Why us

  • We work comprehensively

The cost of advertising services on Instagram is based on the involvement of a team of specialists, and not one targetologist.

  • Qualitative definition of the target audience

We show ads to those users who are already motivated or may be interested in buying.

  • Funnel

To achieve our goals, we determine the place of advertising on Instagram in the promotion complex and the sales funnel.

Order the customization of targeted advertising on Instagram — and this tool will work for the benefit of your business.

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