Targeted advertising
What channels can you customize?

Answer 1

In contact with
42.4 million Russians daily
The largest Russian social network

Answer 2

28.3 million Russians a day
Fast-growing social media with a focus on visuals

Answer 3

20.8 million Russians daily
A platform popular among 35+ users

Answer 4

9.3 million per day
Space for communication of people with an active lifestyle

Targeted advertising is the promotion of goods and services, as well as the company as a whole, tuned to an audience with given characteristics. Using this tool wisely can increase sales and build brand awareness.

Stages of work

1. We develop a strategy

  • We list the strengths and weaknesses of the product
  • We formulate goals
  • We determine the best promotion channels

2. We work with the target audience (CA)

  • We collect target audience using specialized services
  • We segment by gender, age, location and other characteristics
  • We filter the audience from bots, commercial accounts and other inappropriate users

3. We analyze competitors

  • We determine the main competing pages in various social networks
  • We analyze the content and dynamics of the publication of publications
  • We track the number of audience, engagement and other indicators

4. Setting up campaigns

  • Determine the ultimate goals of the campaign (for example, increasing subscribers)
  • Working through the list of ad groups

5. Drawing up ad group structures

  • We create audiences for advertising based on gender, age, location and others
  • Determine the budget
  • Setting the display schedule and placement

6. We create ads

  • We write marketing texts and headlines tailored to the target audience
  • We select images and / or videos
  • Create a call to action button

Order targeted advertising on social networks in our agency — get sales growth and increase your brand awareness.

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