Mobile applications
for iOS and Android
for business

Development of fast and convenient mobile applications
rated 4+

Automate processes and increase profits by ordering a turnkey mobile application for your business

We develop mobile applications

Development of mobile applications in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions of Russia is one of the key competencies of Igor Filipenko’s Internet agency Web112.

Our clients receive a full range of mobile development services: from preliminary consulting to support and development of a finished project.

Our suggestions:

  • Consulting and design
  • Application design
  • Mobile development
  • Testing and debugging
  • Service and promotion

Web112 in numbers

Sites created
Years on the market

Does your business need a mobile app?

Get a free consultation on how to do it.

Types and cost of mobile applications

Types and cost of creating a website

$4200per month
  • 10 screens
  • Information about the company
  • Contact details
  • Stores and offices
  • Map of directions to offices and points
  • Original interface design
  • Social media authorization
  • Integration with server or site
  • Catalog
  • Cart and checkout
  • Feedback
$7000per month
  • 15 screens
  • Information about the company
  • Contact details
  • Stores and offices
  • Map of directions to offices and points
  • Original interface design
  • Social media authorization
  • Integration with server or site
  • Catalog
  • Cart and checkout
  • Feedback
  • Offline maps
  • Interactive charts and calculators
  • Animation
  • Administration and statistics collection system
  • Payment system

Stages of creating a mobile application

1. You leave a request on the website, we will call you back, advise you on choosing the configuration of the mobile application and make an appointment to discuss the details.

2. We create a fast and convenient application from design and design to support and advertising, coordinating everything with you at every stage.

3. We test and debug the application, refine it until you are satisfied with the design and functionality.

4. You accept the application, receive instructions on how to work with it, if necessary, order further support and advertising.

5. Your application works properly, is easy to use by clients, employees or partners, and automates business processes.

Still have questions?

We’re ready to answer your questions
and jump start your project

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Who needs mobile apps?

In Web112 you can order an application for:

  • existing businesses and startups
  • the sphere of trade and services (from delivery services to taxi)
  • any regions of Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar, as well as other countries
  • those who promote their company in the online space

Benefits of ordering mobile applications on Web112

We can order the development of a mobile application of any complexity and functionality at a competitive price. But regardless of these factors, we guarantee compliance with the following standards:

  • General stylistics of the application and the site

The design of the mobile application and the site is carried out in the same style and colors. We use brand colors, a logo and all the characteristic features of the brand.

  • Demonstration of benefits

Product or service, brand and company. We will select your strengths and describe them in an accessible language.

  • User-friendly interface

No unnecessary movements. Everything is as simple as possible: the user does not have to search for this or that information.

  • Adaptive layout

We guarantee correct display on all gadgets, regardless of the type of device, installed system and other factors. We take into account all the differences between iOS and Android. This concerns the display of icons and buttons, menus, tabs.

  • Fast loading

If an application on a phone or other device takes a long time to load or simply freezes, it is highly likely that the user will close it and go to competitors. We will not allow this.

Promotion of mobile applications

We can order not only the development of a mobile application on a smartphone, but also its promotion. We will make the application work flawlessly and interest users who are not yet familiar with it.

  • Optimization for market requirements

Required minimum: a unique title, description with keywords. Keeping your apps up to date is also important.

  • Placement of a QR code on promotional products

A QR code on a brochure, poster, and so on will attract new users.

  • Advertising in other applications

Surely the target audience already uses other mobile applications. You can tell about your product by running an advertisement in this place.

Also, if necessary, we use content marketing methods, work with opinion leaders, create promotional posts.
