Internet agency Web112

In short, Web112 is:

  • Website development studio in KrasnodarAn Internet agency that has been successfully operating in the Russian market of Internet services since 2009.
  • Main areas of activity: creation and promotion of Internet sites, creation of business card sites, corporate sites and online stores, development of turnkey sites.
  • For 9 years, our employees have created more than 200 effective sites that have brought commercial success to their owners.
  • These are Internet resources of varying degrees of complexity and focus: from business cards and catalogs to shops and portals, from construction companies to medical institutions, from government agencies to religious organizations.
  • Our regular clients include more than 100 organizations of various types: from small individual entrepreneurs to large trading companies.
  • What distinguishes us from our competitors is the simultaneous combination of such parameters as: high-quality project execution, adherence to deadlines and an individual approach.
  • We have developed a reliable and convenient content management system «CMS Web112», flexible and meeting all the necessary requirements of the modern web.

Competitive differences Web112

  • Web studio from KrasnodarWe do not strive to create as many sites as possible for as many organizations as possible. Our guiding principle here is “Quality is more important than quantity”. It is better to constantly develop and improve business on the Internet for several companies than to grab at hundreds of orders at the same time, make mistakes in them, violate deadlines, which can ruin relationships even with the best clients.
  • We do not offer useless expensive solutions where they are not needed. Our experience has repeatedly proved that in any complex problem there is the simplest and most optimal solution.
  • The sites we have made are in the TOP for many search queries, which provides them with a constant influx of target audience, which subsequently turns into real buyers.
  • We are not locked in any one direction. We have both projects with mega-cool web design and sites with super complex program logic, as well as blogs with high-quality unique content. The main goal of our team is to solve important business problems of our customers, but at the same time, what areas need to be emphasized is already our concern.
  • Our goal: the development of promising and useful Internet projects. These can be websites of manufacturing enterprises, government organizations, online stores, startups.
  • Our professional principle: everything we do must be done efficiently and on time.
  • Our main secret of successful work with clients is to constantly make contact, try to solve any problem, fulfill all these obligations, meet deadlines, and maintain the highest level of quality.

Some facts about Web112

  • 9 out of 10 customers become our regular customers because our sites are profitable!
  • if the site is made to increase sales and find new buyers, the money invested in it usually fights back 3-4 months after its launch!
  • 30% of our clients have been cooperating with us for more than 2 years! Another 40% — more than 1 year. For them, cooperation with our agency really improves the profitability of their business.

Clients Web112

We are trusted to work on their online platforms:

  • Commercial companies of various sizes and turnover;
  • Law enforcement agencies;
  • Orthodox clergy;
  • Public finance departments;
  • Individual entrepreneurs, individuals.

According to the reviews of commercial companies that have created and promote our sites, their profits have grown many times over.

How do we work with clients?

We set out any solution we come up with «on the shelves»: the necessary resources, the expected result, the process of achieving, etc.

At the very beginning of the work, an official contract is concluded and a technical assignment is developed, according to which the further development of the project is being carried out. If the project is not very simple (the budget is over 100 thousand rubles), the first stage is to sign an agreement for the development of technical specifications, which specifies, if possible, all the subtleties of the project being developed.


We always focus on the fact that website development must be done with high quality! On the created resource, even after a long time, design, layout or code errors should not appear. To do this, we adhere to all standards for the design and development of Internet projects, and also, for this we have adopted a whole range of measures to test our web applications, which allows us to be 100% confident in the site’s performance even after interfering with it. other developers.


We know what timing is, what time is and what money is. We are always interested in the early completion of the projects we undertake. Therefore, if we do have delays, it is only due to unforeseen external circumstances, but we still try to minimize them.

If a complex project is being developed, we connect the customer to the development process, and he can at any time find out at what stage the implementation of a particular module is.

Individual approach

Would you like to get a site that is well done, but not adapted to your business? Such sites are often offered by site-builders from the series «get a full-fledged site for 5,000 rubles.» Such a site, although stuffed with different modules, will not attract the right audience properly and in the desired volumes.

That is why we pay special attention to the individuality of each project, that is why our sites are not similar to one another, except for adhering to common standards.

Service prices

If you are interested in Web112 services, just call us at +7 (988) 247-09-47 or send an APPLICATION.

Still have questions?

We’re ready to answer your questions
and jump start your project

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