Landing Page — efficiency is up to 600% higher than that of a regular page!

Scope of work

  • Template or unique design
  • Installing the engine, uploading to the server
  • Filling with materials
  • Website training
  • Configuring modules: «Action», «Visual effects», «Photo gallery», «Feedback form», «Callback»

Price: from 40,000 rubles.
Terms: from 15 working days

For whom is it suitable

  • companies that have their own website
  • start-up entrepreneurs interested in targeted work with clients
  • everyone who needs to promote an event, product, service, promotion, subscription page — any single action

Landing page is a web page that prompts the user to perform only one targeted action (subscribing, purchasing a product, registering for a webinar, and so on). This is the main difference between landing pages and traditional Internet resources. We create a turnkey landing page for clients from Krasnodar and all over Russia. When developing a one-page page, the main task of our studio is to help the client achieve their goals.

Stages of creating a landing page

The turnkey landing page price includes 7 components.

  1. Discussion of the project with the client Development of a turnkey landing page begins with studying the specifics of the business, the advantages and disadvantages of the promoted product. At this stage, the maximum communication with the client’s representatives takes place, the brief is filled in.
  2. Analysis of competitors in the product niche. It is necessary to determine which companies are competing with the client in the selected market segment; make a list of criteria for analysis and, according to it, compare organizations, as well as their landing pages.
  3. Target audience analysis. It is necessary to determine who, in fact, buys the product or service and, accordingly, who is the one-page aimed at? In the process of creating a turnkey landing page, the target audience, its expectations, choice factors, fears are studied.
  4. Structure development. A decision is made in what style the turnkey landing page will be made: its composition, content and order of blocks.
  5. Design. Template or unique is the main thing that promotes sales and, if necessary, matches the style of the brand. If the goal is to order a turnkey landing page inexpensively, it is reasonable to choose a ready-made template.
  6. Layout. If you decide to buy a turnkey landing page, how can you do without an adaptive layout? As a result, the finished site is equally well displayed on any device and in all browsers, and it just looks beautiful.
  7. Content creation (texts, photos, videos). Based on all the information collected, the content is worked out. We make sure that it meets the following criteria: uniqueness, benefits for the target audience, solving problems for website and business promotion (including increasing the number of leads).
  8. Testing. As part of testing, we find and fix the bugs that have arisen.

What business is Landing Page suitable for?

One-page pages perfectly solve the assigned tasks. But in order to achieve this, you need to know in which scenarios they are most effective.

  • Presentation of a product or service. A separate landing page is being developed or as a special page on the company’s website. This will help grab all the attention of a potential client, convince him of the benefits of the product and, of course, take the targeted action.
  • Promotion or competition. Turnkey landing page will give an opportunity to tell about the conditions of the company’s lucrative offer, highlight all the details and convince the client of the need to take part.
  • Event announcement. For example, presentation, seminar, concert, any holiday. A one-page website will help showcase the benefits of the event and invite your target audience. In addition, in this scenario, a turnkey landing page makes it possible not to overload the main resource with announcements.
  • The need to build a base for mailing. It is also worth ordering a turnkey landing page because such a site is a convenient and difficult to replace tool in email marketing. However, it is used in two directions. The target audience who came to the site through advertising in Google Adwards or Yandex.Direct leaves their email address. Subsequently, recipients of the mailing list may also be invited to visit the landing page.
  • Promotional page for an online store. Creating a turnkey landing page will help increase the sales of a particular product. In this case, the targeted action of a one-page page can be implemented in the form of a redirection to a card in an online store.

It is easy to order the creation of a selling website from us!
Our specialists will be happy to develop a landing page for you in just 5 working days at a price of 20,000 rubles! To start cooperation with us, you just need to fill out the APPLICATION FORM on our website or call +7 (988) 247-09-47.

Landing page from Web112 studio is always excellent quality at a reasonable price. Order a selling page and increase your profits as soon as possible!

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