Development of corporate identity in Moscow: from logo to corporate attributes

Creation of a logo for the Ecoboutique cosmetics online storeThe corporate identity (branding, corporate symbols) is the visual component of the brand, which ensures the recognition of the company. This includes creating a logo, business cards, flyers, brand book and other paraphernalia that your potential customers see.

The best way to get the customer’s attention

Creation of a logo for a law firm Your attorneyCreating a logo for a law firm Your attorney Your company is entering the market and you want to make a big name for yourself? Then the logo and corporate identity is exactly what you need! Thanks to this, you will be able to stand out favorably against the background of competing firms, as well as form a potential client’s positive attitude towards yourself, because, according to most people, only serious and influential companies can boast of having a professional corporate style.

Rebranding for Eurotec Do you want to improve the market position of your company, which already has a corporate logo? In this case, you may need to revise the existing style or rebrand. This will enable your company to present itself to potential consumers in a new way.

Rebranding for EurotecIn any case, the corporate identity inspires confidence in the client and gives the impression of a prosperous, strong company. Branding provides significant savings in advertising time and money and the various changes needed to improve a firm’s market position. A well-thought-out corporate style is one of the main tools in the struggle for a leading position in the market.

Corporate identity development is a task for professionals

Logo design for Australian company Bright & Trainig

  • Logo design for the Australian company Bright & Trainingdevelopment of a logo — a symbol of your successful company;
  • selection of colors for the official documentation of the enterprise, advertising products, employee uniforms, room design;
  • development of company attributes: envelopes, leaflets, letterheads, packages, business cards, etc. Any item on which a logo can be applied.

The specialists of the Web112 company will develop a corporate identity design for you «from scratch» or on the basis of your ideas. We are also ready to technically implement projects prepared by your company’s employees.

The best option is to perform all types of work by professionals, because making a corporate identity requires not only the skills of working in graphic editors, but also extensive knowledge in the field of psychology, in particular, understanding the principles of perception of the world around by potential clients. Only an integrated approach can provide maximum results.

The first stage of work is the analysis of the main competitors in the corresponding market segment, because the main task of branding is to stand out from their background. After that, the main types of work are carried out. At the same time, special attention is paid to the logo.

Logo — the business card of the company

Logo options for the Internet studio Web112Variants of a logo for the Internet studio Web112Creating a logo together with the creation of a high-quality website plays an important role in the formation of a positive image of the company. Not a single action to increase brand awareness will give the desired effect if the company does not have a corporate symbol, which in the mind of the client is firmly associated with a certain product or service.

The specialists of the Web112 studio will make a logo for you that will create a favorable impression of your company and inform potential consumers about the direction and scale of your business.

When developing a design, we strictly adhere to three requirements: recognition, originality and functionality.

Corporate identity from Web112 is high quality at a great price

The cost of developing a corporate identity in our Internet studio is from 30,000 rubles.
Fill out the APPLICATION FORM or call +7 (988) 247-09-47. We guarantee you an optimal ratio of quality and cost of services!

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