Social media promotion (SMM)

SMM promotion and advertising in social networks (SMM marketing)The active development of social networks, in particular Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and Twitter, led to the fact that users began to strive to obtain the maximum amount of information of interest to them precisely through social media. Therefore, one of the conditions for the successful development of the company is promotion in social networks.

SMM marketing is considered to be a very effective channel for promoting goods and services on the network. Advertising in social networks allows you to improve the position of the company in the search results, form a positive image of the company and significantly expand the circle of product consumers by attracting interested visitors.

General solution for many tasks

Do you need to present your products? Do you want to attract the attention of potential customers to your company and increase their loyalty? Promotion of Vkontakte and other popular sites allows you to solve these problems. SMM promotion involves the dissemination of information about goods and services through the creation and development of publics, as well as through the use of targeted advertising, which makes it possible to reach the desired audience segment. The use of social group widgets encourages users to visit the advertised resources.

Is your task to increase the number of sales? Promotion in social networks increases trust in the company, provides an increase in the target audience and stimulates subscribers to purchase goods. Promotion in social networks makes it possible to determine the location of users and conduct thematic advertising campaigns.

The undeniable benefits of SMM

There are 7 reasons to order SMM promotion:

  1. Price! Synchronization of social networks with other promotion channels provides a significant reduction in the cost of attracting traffic.
  2. Growing brand awareness, improving the company’s reputation, increasing consumer loyalty!
  3. The ability to segment the target audience (CA) by geography, gender, age and preferences!
  4. Increase in the number of interested site visitors due to regular subscribers!
  5. Receiving feedback from customers, effective work with questions and objections from potential customers!
  6. Engaging potential customers in dialogue through interesting promotions and contests!
  7. Increased sales! And this is the main goal of any advertising!

Promotion of the group Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki and Twitter

The promotion of the Vkontakte group can be carried out on its own, but practice shows the inefficiency of this path. With inept promotion, your group will not gain a sufficient number of subscribers, or, even worse, will receive a lifetime ban from administrators. SMM specialists are best suited for this task. These are the masters of social media advertising that work at Web112. SMM services provided by our company include:

  1. Analysis of the target audience and main competitors for further building an effective promotion strategy in social media. networks.
  2. Formation of a unique selling proposition that can attract the target audience, as well as drawing up an effective content plan.
  3. Creation of pages for advertising on Instagram, Facebook and other social networks. Filling pages with attractive content and increasing the audience of subscribers, conducting initial consultations for users, moderating groups and pages, maintaining analytics.
  4. Strengthening advertising in social. networks — conducting a targeting campaign, as well as contests and surveys that attract the attention of guests to the products offered.

The secret of success is choosing the right contractor

Who should be entrusted with the promotion on social networks? Only a truly responsible company, which employs qualified and experienced professionals. A serious company guarantees you an individual approach.

How much does an SMM promotion cost?

The budget for SMM services starts from 10,000 rubles. per month and in each case is calculated individually. For more information about this, call +7 (988) 247-09-47 or fill out the application form on the website.

Looking to boost your brand reputation or increase sales? Do you want to attract more interested users to your site? Then order SMM promotion right now!

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