Website promotion on the constructor
Why do you need to promote construction sites?

Answer 1

Even a small resource of 5-10 pages will be able to bring clients and give an impetus to the development of the business.

Answer 2

You will have a minimum set of key phrases for which promotion will be carried out, so any mistake can negate all efforts

Answer 3

The main goal of promotion is to attract visitors to the site and increase the company’s awareness. To do this, you need to provide the site with the first positions in Yandex and Google.

Website builders like Tilda have become widespread. Convenient functionality, many templates, block structure — all this allows you to create your own web resource in a short time, without involving webmasters and programmers. However, the promotion of such a site has its own specifics, which must be taken into account when working.

The non-unique code of website builders not only complicates SEO optimization, but also leads to parasitic traffic consumption. You cannot accurately track the scripts that are executed when you visit the pages.

What SEO settings are available in the site control panel on the designer

To answer the question, which builder is better suited for website promotion and how to choose it, let’s analyze the capabilities of the services in terms of SEO settings:

  1. E-publish builder: specializes in creating websites for social institutions, for example, schools and kindergartens. Has weak opportunities for SEO settings, as well as templates and usability in general;
  2. Wix: Out of the box, it supports automatic sitemap configuration and has built-in semantic markup. However, editing code and robots.txt files is not available. Suitable for blogs, small news web resources;
  3. Ukit: Supports editing meta tags and installing SSL certificate. Has very limited possibilities for customization and code improvement;
  4. Tilda: identical to the previous one in terms of features, ideal for creating one-page pages and small online stores;
  5. constructor Nethouse: supports integration with social networks and has a large number of add-ons, such as installing banners or traffic counters on the site.

Some services allow you to remove some of the technical restrictions when purchasing paid subscriptions. But even in this case, the capabilities of website builders are not enough to perform competent SEO optimization.

Methods for promoting sites on constructors

The capabilities of the engines do not allow you to fully administer the site in the constructor and promote it according to all the rules. However, you can achieve some results when posting quality and unique content. High-quality linking and revision of pages for mobile browsers can increase positions in the search engine. However, the main tool for the promotion of such sites is contextual advertising. With proper configuration of Yandex.Direct and GoogleAds, you can get a good profit. However, contextual advertising pays off harder than SEO optimization.

Do you want the site to look the way you need it, without regard to the capabilities of the service, and quickly hit the top of the search results? Order website promotion in the agency Web112.

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