Creation of a corporate website

Scope of work

  • Template or unique design
  • Installing the engine, uploading to the server
  • Filling with materials
  • Website training
  • Configuring modules: «Multilevel catalog», «News», «Photo gallery», «Feedback form», «Callback», «E-mail distribution»

Price: from 60,000 rubles.
Terms: from 15 working days

For whom is it suitable

  • companies of any level and size
  • everyone who needs a representative platform
  • almost everyone who is not suitable for other types of commercial sites

A corporate (or, in other words, representative) site is an endless world of opportunities for developing your company’s business on the Internet!

This is a platform with which you can develop almost all important elements of the organization’s activities (according to Ron Hubbard’s scheme): this is the personnel department (vacancies, partner programs), and the public relations department (news, blog, publications), and the distribution department ( promotions, goods or services), and a qualification department (customer reviews, quality certificates).

When a company creates its representative website, the quality of the clients of this organization increases by an order of magnitude! If earlier your company worked only with clients in Krasnodar, then after the creation and continuous development of such an Internet resource, you will have clients from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Russia and even from abroad. And this is a completely different level!

What does a corporate website include?

Here’s just a short (but basic) list of what a corporate website might include:

What a corporate website consists of
  • About company. Description of the organization’s activities, history, successes, main achievements.
  • Customer Reviews
  • Quality certificates
  • Photo. Universal module, suitable for many sections
  • Vacancies. The list of current vacancies of the company and vacancies «for the future».
  • Activities. If the organization’s activities are too extensive to fit on the «about» page, a separate page (or set of pages) is created that describes the lines of business in more detail.
  • Goods or services. This can be a built-in product catalog module or a link to a separate online store, or even a link to the websites of subsidiaries.
  • Blog. Useful white papers that showcase the expertise of the organization’s people. Weekly blogging is a great way to grow your business in the 21st century!
  • Contacts. A contact page is required for 99% of sites on the Internet.
  • Navigation modules: multilevel menu, breadcrumbs, search, sitemap.
  • Feedback modules: feedback form, callback, online consultant.
  • News, promotions or specials. suggestions.
  • Question answer. Contains the most frequently asked questions and answers to them.
  • E-mail newsletter. A great tool for effective email marketing.

What are the stages of developing a corporate website?

Making a corporate website consists of the following stages:

  1. Analysis of the primary goals and objectives of the company
  2. Development of technical specifications: design of the framework and prototyping of the main pages.
  3. Development of a design concept and solution of all major design issues. It is a very important and lengthy stage, because it depends on how your future business site will look like.
  4. Layout and software customization. The fastest of all stages.
  5. Filling. Quite a long stage, if you do not prepare for it in advance. Therefore, it is recommended to collect materials for the future site even when its development is only in the plans.
  6. Search engine promotion and advertising. The most important of all the other stages. Website promotion needs to be done constantly. By own efforts, by the forces of other specialists or studios — it doesn’t matter. Having a beautiful, well-developed, but abandoned and not updated corporate Internet resource for a long time is like flushing money down the toilet! Think about it. Learn more about search engine optimization.
  7. Technical support. It is needed mainly for sites with large catalogs of goods downloaded automatically, for example, from 1C, technical support is usually simply necessary. Learn more about technical support.

What does a corporate website give?

The task of marketing is to ensure a constant flow of potential customers (constant generation of leads), and an up-to-date high-quality website is an indispensable tool for it. The corporate Internet resource improves and optimizes the sales funnel. With it, you can pump all the main components of the funnel:

Sales funnel of a corporate website

1st level of the funnel. Attracting new potential customers. There are many ways: through search engine promotion, contextual advertising, maintaining an interesting blog, or regularly sending various offers by e-mail. At this level, the company contacts a potential client only through the website, so the latter’s task is to make sure that the desired potential client is interested in the services (or goods) of the company and leaves his contacts. Therefore, 100% of the success of this level falls on the site’s ability to attract the right target audience and the correct delivery of information to this audience.

If a potential client decided to buy something or turned to the company with some question, he gets to the next 2nd level of the funnel.

2nd level of the funnel. Processing of potential customers who have already applied. This level is the most difficult and time-consuming. Here the processing of potential customers who have contacted through the site takes place and attracting them to cooperation. The main methods are: calling, blogging, e-mail newsletter. The success of this level also seriously depends (but certainly less than at the previous level) on the quality of the site.

3rd level of the funnel. Processing and escorting the company’s clients. Working with regular customers. This level is also very important, and for its success it is also necessary to maintain and develop the site.

By focusing on the development of a corporate website, you will ensure the successful dynamic development of your business for many years!

How much does it cost to develop a corporate website?

The cost of developing a corporate website starts from 20,000 rubles. and depends on many nuances, such as your wishes for site design, functionality, content. You may have to attract different specialists to get a good result, but believe me, it’s worth it!

You can try to make the site yourself or contact a private specialist — it will be cheaper, but you are unlikely to get any tangible result. Therefore, it is best to contact a professional web studio to create a corporate website.

To order the creation of a corporate website in our internet studio, call us at +7 (988) 247-09-47 or send an APPLICATION.

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