Effective website promotion
in TOP10 Yandex and Google
for small and medium-sized businesses

Freelance team
We promote complex websites for complex clients

What is website promotion?

Search engine optimization of a site (in other words, Search Engine Optimization or SEO) is the output of a site to the TOP10 search engines Yandex and Google by thematic and informational queries.

Why is SEO better than contextual advertising?

SEO is no better than contextual advertising. It is better when the complex uses search engine optimization and contextual advertising. If the site is shown to the user both in advertising links and in organic search results, this is doubly credible than if it is somewhere in one place.

When do you need SEO?

It is better to start SEO in almost any case if the business is supposed to develop continuously over several years. SEO work can be compared to going to the gym: the more stable you walk (at least once a week), the better the result will be. The more unstable you walk (albeit often, but take longer breaks), the worse the result will be.

Where to start: SEO or PPC advertising?

Better to start with this and that. SEO will turn out to be much more economical than contextual advertising, but contextual advertising will help to reach the maximum of targeted commercial traffic, which will not work with SEO.

Let’s create a fundamental working site
— an asset for business

Cases of our work

The best way to get the customer’s attention

Web112 in numbers

Sites created
Years on the market

Why did> 150 clients trust us?

We offer exactly the kind of site that you need, delving into the essence of the business

We solve your business tasks: from presenting your company on the Internet to increasing sales

We maintain and monitor the performance of the site and its components

We comply with the terms prescribed in the contract, we deliver 70% of projects ahead of schedule

We guarantee that there are no problems with the site: technical errors, crumpled layout and others

Website promotion cost

$550per month
  • Promotion of 100 positions
  • Traffic promotion
  • Writing 2 articles per month
  • Website technical improvements
$850per month
  • Promotion of 500 positions
  • Up to 500 key positions (HF and MF queries) are selected, which are used for promotion to the TOP Yandex and Google
  • Traffic promotion
  • Writing 4 articles per month
  • Website technical improvements
  • Working with the company's reputation
$400per month
  • Promotion by position
  • A certain number of key positions (HF and MF queries) are selected, for which promotion to the TOP of Yandex and Google is carried out
  • Traffic promotion
  • Writing multiple articles per month
  • Website technical improvements
  • Working with the company's reputation

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and jump start your project

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Our suggestions

Technical training

  • Audit. We analyze the site in terms of usability, content, commercial and behavioral factors. We evaluate how the resource is convenient for the end user and whether it is configured correctly based on the recommendations of search engines. As a result of the audit, we get information about the strengths and weaknesses of the site.
  • Terms of Reference (TOR) for programmers. We set the task for programmers to correct technical flaws: for example, to fill in meta tags or headings.
  • Niche and competitor analysis. In the process, we identify the target audience and its preferences, then we determine the main competitors. We find their strengths and weaknesses: what tactics of these companies can be applied in the future, and what flaws it will be appropriate to play on.
  • Drawing up a strategy. Based on the audit and analysis, we develop a monthly site promotion plan. It includes collecting semantics, finalizing the functionality by programmers, writing texts, putting links.

Collecting semantics

We collect the semantic core (SY) using the services Wordstat, Serpstat, Bukvariks. If the kernel is very large, we additionally use the Key Collector program. When working with software products, we focus both on the core of competitors and on marker queries (those that clearly correspond to the promoted page — the names of sections, categories, etc.).

The use of several services and analysis of competitors’ SNs, coupled with marker phrases, allows you to minimize the risk of missing any important queries.


Next, we group the semantics based on the analysis of the issue (according to the meaning of the phrases). If a search engine finds the same URL for different queries, then these phrases are combined into one group. In the future, this will help when working on the structure of the site, drawing up a content plan, linking. We distribute the already grouped YA among the landing pages: this is necessary so that the user who comes to the site from the search engine gets to the relevant (most suitable phrase) page.

Working with texts

We carry out a text analysis: we study the issuance of the TOP by multiple factors. Based on this information, we highlight the weaknesses of the site against the background of competitors and draw up a technical assignment for texts for a copywriter.

The goal of this specialist is to create content that will simultaneously solve the problems of the reader and «please» the search engines. To do this, the copywriter plunges into the topic: he studies information from the customer, information resources, competitors’ websites. Also, when working on articles, he follows the recommendations of the SEO department: volume, occurrences of certain keywords, their frequency, and so on.

Working with links

The domain needs to be «pumped». We do this with the help of trust (mostly «eternal») links on thematic sites with a good reputation.

Spot website optimization

As part of this stage, we carry out internal linking, change the key density, rephrase or completely rewrite headers, test changes in meta tags.


Every month we send the client reports on the work carried out in the format «What points of the plan have been completed and what result have been obtained». We write clearly and understandably, if necessary, we explain specific terminology.

Promotion depending on the goal

By traffic

The main task here is to bring targeted traffic. Positions in search engines in this case are not so important, since usually visitors come to the site from low-frequency search queries. It takes longer and more expensive to get promoted by traffic than by position, but at the same time, the result is better. In addition, using this method allows you to constantly improve the site.

It is quite simple to evaluate success: you just need to look at the counters, how many visitors came from the start of the work.


  • high performance;
  • the possibility of website development even after achieving the set goals.


  • long work;
  • the need to spend time not only for the contractor, but also for the customer.

Traffic promotion is ideal for large aggregators and information resources.

By position

Promotion occurs through a limited pool of requests. Which phrases will be promoted is discussed in advance: as a rule, we are talking about high and medium frequencies.

The client pays for the fact that the site is in the TOP of the search engines Google and Yandex (usually we are talking about the TOP-10, but sometimes the goal is to get into the TOP-5 or TOP-3).


  • transparency of the method (it is easy to track the result using special services);
  • if a site is in the TOP for high-frequency queries, then it is almost always in high positions for less popular (low-frequency) queries. This means that the client receives this part of the traffic for free.


Even with the selection of the «highest quality» queries, it will not be possible to cover the entire semantic core. Thus, only a limited part of the target audience will get to the site. If we compare the promotion for a small part of high-frequency requests or for a large number of low-frequency requests, then the second option will be more effective.

Promotion by position is suitable for all types of sites, including small businesses.

By conversions

The goal is to get a conversion, that is, a completed target action: a call, an application, a completed registration form. But how can optimizers guarantee leads when, in addition to SEO, they are influenced by many other factors: the company’s overall marketing strategy, product prices, competitive environment, and so on. The optimizer cannot influence this: accordingly, it cannot be responsible for the result either.

In addition, unscrupulous agencies can simply catch up with inappropriate leads (for example, by launching contextual advertising) and charge money for it. This is another weak point of this optimization method. For these reasons, we do not provide website promotion services by conversions, that is, with payment for the result.

Cost and terms

The more work, the more effective. But also more expensive.

As a rule, the first results from SEO promotion appear in 3 months. Some projects take up to six months. However, you need to understand that the longer and more stable the work is carried out, the more tangible the effect. And, perhaps, stability is more important here than timing. It is better to work on SEO little by little, but constantly, than to order website promotion and stop it after a couple of months.

The desirable minimum for promotion is:

  • creation of high-quality text content (at least 2 articles per month);
  • posting links on forums or thematic sites;
  • detailed elaboration of pages (adjustment of meta tags, headings, content uniqueness).

There is no point in starting promotion without these works.

Our Internet agency Web112 works with various types of businesses, including successfully promoting sites in narrow niches (read an interesting case study about such an experience here).

To order website promotion or ask clarifying questions, leave a request. We will help you achieve your goals — high-quality traffic or high positions in search engines.
