Contextual advertising: setup and maintenance

Setting up Google Adwords and Yandex Direct

Some say «my niche is busy, advertising will not pay off»
— others reach the top, look at the first and laugh ..

Do you need a top?

Why do you need regular spending on contextual advertising at all?
There is Google, Yandex — SEO-site optimization will attract more traffic and will cost less.
There are social networks — from there you can also attract inexpensive targeted traffic.

Your inner objector

And it is true! Each method of advertising can (and should) be dealt with.
But contextual advertising in Yandex and Google has undeniable advantages:

  • It is enough to make just one landing page, understandable to the audience, instead of the whole site
    + it is more profitable to create such a page (from 40 thousand rubles and from 1 month) in comparison with a large site
  • When a person enters a commercial request in the search, he is already warm, he does not need to be persuaded to buy
    + costs for identifying the needs of warm customers are lower than for warming up a cold audience
  • Ads can be shown for all necessary keywords
    + all potential customers will see your ad
  • Improved the landing page, added new ads — the result is visible immediately.
    + minimum feedback period from changes increases profits in any business
  • The presence of a site in contextual advertising improves its position in search results and maps
    + advertising gives additional clients from search, google and yandex maps

Contextual advertising launch scheme


Our marketer will contact you to discuss the following questions:

  • Who are your clients? Their characteristics, preferences.
  • What are the sales goals and plan?
  • What advertising campaigns were there before and what was the result?

Will tell you more about the features of contextual advertising and how not to waste your budget.


Discussion of the conditions and approval of the contract:

  • We will agree with you all the conditions: budget, terms, procedure for acceptance of work and payment.
  • We will draw up and approve the contract (if necessary with your lawyer).
  • We will receive the agreed advance payment and launch the project.

At this stage, you will clearly understand the entire work plan.


Setting up and launching advertising campaigns:

  • We analyze your niche, competitors. Drawing up a portrait of the target audience.
  • We carry out a detailed manual collection of keywords and negative words, with an eye to the target audience.
  • Keywords and negative words, ads are loaded into the system after your approval.

After all the approvals, we launch advertising campaigns. At this stage, you need to replenish your advertising budget.


Test period:

  • Set up conversion tracking scripts (enable call tracking if necessary).
  • We correct the traffic of the target audience, analyze its quality.
  • We are systematically increasing the volume of traffic.

At this stage, your ads are already shown to potential customers, applications are being submitted.


Stable flow of applications:

  • As a result of all the work, we arrive at a stable flow of applications.
  • We calculate the cost of the application and optimize it if necessary
  • Your sales grow. *

* The term of sales depends on the average time it takes for a customer to make a purchase decision in your business. It can be 1 day, week, several months or years.


Advertising campaigns:

  • We give you access to advertising offices, we give you instructions.
  • We audit your campaigns monthly, clean and improve traffic.
  • We agree on all changes with you. Sales are growing.

At this stage, investments in advertising usually pay off.

What you, as a client, need to know about PPC advertising

Before ordering contextual advertising services, you need to understand this topic at least a little: this will allow you to speak the same language with the agency representatives; understand what, in fact, you are offered, and avoid deception.

Contextual advertising is of two main types: Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct.

Google adwords

Showcase ads on Google Search, Google Maps, GMail, YouTube, mobile apps, and the Display Network (over 2 million sites).


Creation and display of ads in the Yandex search engine itself and its partners (the so-called external networks). Among them are such large sites as, Bing, Rambler, Avito, Opera and Viber mobile applications, video platforms (STS, NTV, Komsomolskaya Pravda).

Which advertising system is more effective?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. In most cases, it is advisable to order contextual advertising services in both Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct. In the process of testing campaigns, we compare the number of conversions, the cost of leads, the size of the average check and ROI (return on investment from advertising). Based on this information, we draw conclusions where it is cheaper to advertise, and inform the customer about it.

What tasks does contextual advertising solve?

With the help of well-tuned contextual advertising, it is possible to:

  • increase product recognition;
  • ensure sales growth;
  • inform potential customers about great offers, discounts and promotions;
  • increase the flow of users coming from search engines.

The main plus of the context is the ability to give sales «here and now», regardless of which price category the product belongs to. In addition, this method of attracting traffic allows you to monitor the performance and, if necessary, quickly change the settings.

Contextual advertising is most often used in conjunction with targeting and search engine optimization, but in some cases this method of getting traffic is more effective than alternatives. For example, if:

  • the target audience of the business almost does not use social networks, then the target is ineffective: you cannot do without context;
  • you need to promote high-frequency queries: in SEO it is long and expensive, in contextual advertising it is faster and cheaper.

What is included in setting up contextual advertising

In the process of providing services, we perform the following works:

  1. Determination of the target audience (CA). Who, in fact, will the advertising campaign be directed to? Further, we divide the target audience into several groups: by interests, by intentions, by demographic characteristics.
  2. Collecting semantics for the selected area of ​​work. We create the basis using services; then we manually work through the most relevant keywords and negative keywords. In ads for advertising, be sure to take into account possible specific, even jargon phrases.
  3. Grouping of requests. We sort the keywords into three groups: «hot», «warm», near-target.
  4. Writing ads. We write a few and during testing we determine which of them are the most interesting for users and «make» a click.
  5. Setting up Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct advertising accounts: choosing regions, time of displaying ads, setting bids, adding images and other properties.

Work on contextual advertising is difficult and really painstaking. After all, the client’s advertising budget is at stake! To avoid a drain, we perform customization only for an agreed (!) Target audience. As a result, we achieve the maximum number of clicks at the lowest cost.

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