Promotion of an English-language website

Answer 1

One of the most important reasons. All other things being equal, in the same subject matter and with the same traffic, the profit from an English-language site is several times greater than from a site in Runet.

Answer 2

The goal of search engine promotion is a constant increase in traffic!

SEO-promotion of English-language sites differs from the promotion of Russian-language resources. The main feature is the high level of competition. Accordingly, in order to succeed, you need to put a lot of effort and be prepared for a high budget for work.

We will take upon ourselves the solution of all issues related to the search engine promotion of resources in the English-speaking segment. In our arsenal — methods of «white» SEO, 11 years of experience and strict adherence to the recommendations of search engines.

Work order

The progress of promoting English-language sites on Google can be conditionally divided into three areas: strategy development, internal and external optimization. Works in the second and third directions, as a rule, take place in parallel.

Strategy Development

First of all, the project team examines the existing site: its subject matter, convenience, design. Further, a more detailed analysis is carried out in the following aspects.

Checking links

A common reason for imposing a search engine filter is links posted on inappropriate sites and / or unauthorized sites. In addition, it is important to check the general profile of links, anchors, spamming.

Analysis of which queries bring visitors

We study the statistics system: the keys that visitors clicked on, how long they stayed on the page, what actions they performed. Next, we evaluate the list of requests that previously brought traffic and have now ceased — it is easier to return positions for them.

Content audit

Content is an important element of promoting English-language sites. We check how useful it is for the end reader and how unique it is from the point of view of search engines. No less important is the breakdown of the text into semantic blocks, the presence of informative and motivating headings, lists and other elements.

Commercial factors

These are characteristics that affect the convenience of making a purchase or ordering a service. They are extremely important when ranking a site by search engines and affect the conversion of visitors to customers.

Correctly worked out commercial factors are the key to the successful promotion of any sites, including English-language ones. As part of developing a strategy, we analyze the following components:

  • navigation: convenient search, detailed structure of categories, product filters;
  • contact information: on the page «Contacts» you can find as much detailed information as possible. These are phones, instant messengers (Viber, WhatsApp), email address, physical addresses of branches (possibly with a card and a photo of the entrance), payment details. Basic information (phones, messengers, address), as a rule, is duplicated in the header;
  • product / service cards: detailed description, characteristics, cost, configuration options, photos, customer reviews, product availability, «Buy» or «Add to cart» button;
  • product linking: the presence of blocks «Related products», «Similar products», «Recently viewed»;
  • delivery and payment: sections must be visible on the site, the maximum number of ways is indicated;
  • warranty and return: a description of how the buyer should act if the product does not suit him, with links to the Consumer Protection Law.

As a result of this stage, a plan for promoting a foreign site is drawn up, which includes work on internal and external optimization.

Internal optimization of an English-language website

Internal SEO for English-language sites includes work with technical components:

  • map of site

It is also sitemap.xml. It is a kind of instruction for search engines: which pages to index first, and which — later. We carry out the correct settings to ensure the correct crawling of the site pages (including newly created ones).

  • Robots.txt file

This is a file that prohibits the indexing of individual site elements (pages, files, directories) associated, for example, with confidential information. We carry out the correct configuration of this file and correctly specify the necessary directives. As a result, the site indexing speed increases, and the risk of private information getting into search results is reduced to zero.

  • Navigation, structure, menu

When promoting foreign sites, it is important to take care of the development of navigation and structure. Then the user will understand which page he is on and where to find the information he needs.

  • Download speed

This is an important factor in ranking and, accordingly, promotion of English-language sites. We strive to achieve satisfactory download speeds for desktop and mobile devices. As part of achieving this goal, we check hosting, optimize the database, use the cache, reduce the size of pictures and more.

  • Microdata

Improves the appearance of search results (in particular, snippets). We check its availability using specialized services and, if not, implement it.

  • Duplicate pages

The presence of full or partial copies of pages reduces their uniqueness, link weight and overall relevance. We check if such pages exist on the site; if so, delete them or replace duplicate content.

  • Duplicate meta tags

The repetition of the Title and Description meta tags leads to a decrease in the site’s position. It is necessary to exclude this situation and uniqueize the tags.

  • Content

The most important part of resource promotion. The content should be useful to the visitor, unique and structured. If texts, images or videos do not meet these requirements, they need to be redone. It is this moment that can seriously affect the cost of SEO of the English version of the site.

External website optimization

External promotion of English-language sites differs from the promotion of Russian-language resources. There are the following directions:

  1. Link promotion. An effective method, but there are very few exchanges of links to foreign projects. The choice is difficult.
  2. Crowd marketing. Answers and recommendations for videos, blogs, articles work, but have an extremely low indexing rate.
  3. Outreach. Placement of links on thematic sites by direct agreement with the owner. Such communication with a webmaster takes a lot of time.
  4. Site grid (PBN). An effective method, but expensive: you need from 10 domains, the cost of each is about $ 150.

Why you should contact us

  • Completion of work on time

For us, this question is fundamental. The contract fixes the start and end dates for each stage.

  • An integrated approach to promotion

We always study the situation from all sides. We use only «white» SEO methods in our work, which eliminates the risk of resource pessimization.

  • Any kind of sites

We will take on the promotion of foreign sites of any complexity: information resources, online stores, blogs.

Order the promotion of English-language sites and achieve your business goals with Web112.

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