Website development for the «QUARTZ» auto studio

Client: Complex car electronics repair

Type of: Corporate

Start date: 27 May 2020

Finish date: 06 June 2020


About project


Task: to create a catalog of services for the Auto Studio.

The customer is an auto studio, the main activity of which is complex work related to auto electronics.

Design concept

The site design reveals the main qualities of the company: the complexity of the work, quality, and most importantly — reliability. Therefore, the design uses gray colors with metallic reflections — reflecting the scope of the company, and blue — associated with purity, freedom and stability.

Site modules

To better solve problems on the site, the following modules are used:

  • Slider
  • Services
  • News


The slider is located on the main page. Now it acts as a decorative element, but in the future it will be used to post information that needs to be provided to users in the first place (promotions, best portfolio works, and so on).


The main task is to provide the user with all the necessary information about the services. To do this, the site has connected the module «Services».

To make it easier for users to navigate the catalog — all services are divided into categories. The list of basic services is also displayed on the left side of the screen on each page.

The list of services for each service contains a list of key phrases.

The service card contains detailed information about a specific service.


The module allows the site owner to publish information that is not directly related to the services. Such modules help to promote the site. First of all, interesting materials attract visitors and make users stay on the site. Secondly, frequent content updates make search engines visit the site more often.

In the list of services, a short text is displayed about each service, allowing the user to understand what this article is about.

The service card contains the full text of the article.

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