Mobile Homes

Client: Mobile homes

Type of: Corporate

Start date: 28 July 2019

Finish date: 14 August 2019


About project


A website for the «Mobile Homes» company has been made.

An intuitive menu has been developed for easy navigation on the site

The following sections were created:

  • home
  • Services
  • Finished work
  • Service cost
  • Blog
  • Instagram
  • Contacts
  • Virtual instruction

A slider was made on the main page, which, when scrolling, switches screens, which looks modern and is also convenient to use

On the page «Services» you can get acquainted with all types of prefabricated structures

Completed projects of the company are published on the page «Finished works»

On the page «Cost of services» there are profitable offers and promotions

The «Blog» page was created, where you can publish various articles related to the topic of the site

On the «Instagram» page, the photo import was connected directly from the customer’s account, as a result of which the page is filled and refreshed automatically

On the «Contacts» page, a feedback form was connected and an interactive map was attached for an easier search for the location of the company

On the page «Virtual tour» was added the ability to inspect the place of operation of the company

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