Creation of a catalog site for the manufacturer of cosmetics «Armacon»

Client: Manufacturer of cosmetics Armacon

Type of: Catalog

Start date: 16 June 2020

Finish date: 27 June 2020


About project


Armacon is a company engaged in the research and production of skin protection products.


The site design is stylish, clean, modern. Designed to arouse the interest of visitors to the company’s products.


We were faced with a difficult task to perfectly transfer the layout made by the designer. The structure of the site is not standard, and changes depending on the page, and the graphics can be arranged in an arbitrary way. We coped with the task and the result was an excellent site.

Home page

The loading of the main page is made effective, the elements appear smoothly one after another.
Here the visitor sees a banner with links to sections of the product catalog.
Below is a brief information about the company, and a slider of photos.

Site modules

  • Catalog
  • Questions and answers
  • Downloads
  • Distributors
  • Addresses


The product catalog is divided into 4 sections, depending on the direction of the product. Further, each section has its own banner and displays a list of products. New products are labeled «new».

Questions and answers

The visitor can leave his question, which will then appear on the page after the company answers it.


Here you can download all materials about the company and its products.


A module that displays a list of company distributors.


The module is directly related to the Distributors module, here is a list of cities with distributors represented in them.

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