Creation of an online store for a seller of climatic equipment «E-klimat»

Client: Climate Lux

Type of: Online store

Start date: 05 June 2020

Finish date: 16 June 2020


About project


Objective: To develop an online store of HVAC equipment.

The project did not start from scratch. The customer already had a large website that needed some work. Our studio carried out a detailed analysis and offered its own version of the project.

The site has undergone a complete redesign. Its structure has been greatly simplified. As a result of the site transfer to the CMS WEB112 system, the page loading speed has significantly increased.

Site structure

The site’s arsenal includes a complete set of tools to attract visitors and save time:

  • Import of goods,
  • Export of goods to Yandex Market,
  • Modules Catalog and Brands,
  • Filters, product search, sorting,
  • Shopping basket,
  • Comparisons and bookmarks,
  • Personal account and order history,
  • Stock,
  • News and articles.


The store works with a large number of suppliers. Updating prices frequently is time consuming. Therefore, a module for importing goods has been specially developed for the site. Now it’s much easier to update prices and other parameters of goods.

Export of goods to Yandex Market

To increase sales, and quickly promote the project, added automatic export of goods to Yandex Market.

Modules Catalog and Brands

To view the product catalog, two modules are installed: Catalog and brands.

The catalog pages display products divided into categories.

The pages of the «Brands» module contain complete information about the manufacturer, and pages with a list of products, similar to catalog pages.

In addition to the standard set for each category of goods, an additional list of characteristics is displayed. Detailed information about the product increases the credibility of the company and keeps customers on the site.

Filter, search, sort

Filtering and sorting capabilities allow users to find the desired product faster. Display customization makes viewing products more convenient.

Updating pages when changing filter fields or the way products are displayed occurs without page reloading. Therefore, shoppers spend less time waiting and can focus on product selection.

Shopping basket

The shopping cart is fully dynamic, that is, when changing fields, the buyer does not need to completely reload the page. The buying process is faster, and the chances of the user getting distracted and not completing the purchase is minimal.

Comparisons and bookmarks

The comparison module is needed at a time when the buyer cannot choose from several products. It is enough to add a product to comparisons and all characteristics will be shown in a form convenient for comparison.

And if the user decided not to make a purchase at the moment, it is enough to add the product to the bookmarks, and the next time he returns, he will not have to hiccup the product again.

Personal account and order history

To place an order on the site, you must log in. For all registered users, the module «Personal Account» is provided, on the pages of which you can change personal data and view a detailed history of orders.


Promotions and special offers are a great opportunity to promote any online store. For their publication, the module «Promotions» is connected.

News & Articles

Website promotion is not limited to a beautiful catalog and many promotions. To attract potential buyers, modules «News» and «Articles» have been added, on the pages of which you can find out a lot of useful information.

The result of the work done is a stylish modern website that fully corresponds to the loud slogan of the company «1st Kuban store of climatic equipment».

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