Website development for the «Taygeta» company

Client: Hotel detergent manufacturer Taygeta

Type of: Catalog

Start date: 01 August 2020

Finish date: 10 August 2020


About project


Objective: to create a website for the leading Russian manufacturer of professional detergents — the Taygeta company.

The customer knew exactly what he wanted. He himself provided an interesting extraordinary design and correctly selected the materials. In the course of the work, dozens of questions were asked, hundreds of pictures were processed. The result is a vibrant and engaging website.


Site pages consist of banners of different sizes and arranged in a tile. Banners contain both useful content and act as navigation elements.

The design provided needed almost no revision. We’ve added breadcrumbs and headers to make the site more user and search engine friendly.

Also, from the materials sent by the customer, our designer has developed a set of banners for each block of the site.

Site structure

The main task was to teach CMS Web112 to work with new pages for it. Especially for this, a new module has been developed that allows you to set not only the content of the banner, but also its size and position on the page.

Basic modules

In addition to the main pages for the site, the following additional modules were implemented:

  • News
  • Catalog
  • Search
  • Vacancies
  • Contacts


The two-level catalog has a standard structure, but a non-standard look. Each banner on the page leads to the corresponding category.

When you hover over a product, the color and image on the right banner changes. All colors and icons correspond to the images on the labels.

The product card is presented in two versions — short and full. All images — from banners to safety icons — also correspond to the product packaging.


The news module is intended not only to inform visitors about company events. Frequently updated information makes the site more attractive to search engines.

News is divided into categories. Categories are displayed in separate blocks, the size of which can also be customized. This allows the news page to stay within the overall design.


Each individual vacancy is shown without reloading the page. At the same time, important information, such as an appeal to candidates and contacts of the personnel department, is always in front of our eyes.


On the «Contacts» page, in addition to contact information, a feedback form is displayed, which provides users with the opportunity to leave messages and questions to the site administrators around the clock.

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