Creation of a business card site for electrical installation YugSpetsEnergoMontazh

Client: Kuban-Safety LLC

Type of: Business card

Start date: 20 July 2020

Finish date: 29 July 2020


About project


A site for electrical installation for the YugSpetsEnergoMontazh company has been created. The main activity of the company is the design and installation of electrical networks and electrical equipment.

This is a corporate resource on the pages of which visitors can get all the necessary information about the company’s activities: types of work provided, price list, contact information.

The work on the project included: development of an individual design of the main and internal pages of the site, layout and creation of the software part of the site. We tried not only to distinguish the company from many competitors, but also to link the site design with the company’s activities.

In addition, we made a bright flash-banner for the main page of the site.

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