Creation of a website-catalog of walkie-talkies, radio stations and radio equipment for the Communication Center company

Client: Communication Center — radio equipment for hunting, fishing, etc.

Type of: Catalog

Start date: 05 December 2020

Finish date: 16 December 2020


About project


A website-catalog of a company selling walkie-talkies, antennas, radio stations, amplifiers, GPS navigators, video recorders, radio equipment and other technical equipment has been created.

A multi-level catalog has been implemented to present goods on the site. The article catalog module is also implemented.

Additionally, modules for working with articles and company news are presented. A feature of the site is the service «picking up radios in 10 seconds» and the use of a Yandex card in the «contacts» section.

The site is optimized for search queries, and for the most part it is in the top 10.

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