Creation of a website-catalog of seafood and fish products for the company Yug-region

Client: Trading company Yug-Region — supplier of fish and seafood

Type of: Catalog

Start date: 10 January 2021

Finish date: 21 January 2021


About project


Task — Create a catalog of seafood products.

Creation of a website for the company «Yug-region» — one of the largest suppliers of seafood in the Krasnodar Territory. It is engaged in the sale of both its own products and goods of well-known brands to shops and restaurants. Therefore, the first task of the catalog is not to sell a separate product to one person, but to recommend showing the company from the advantageous side and finding new partners.

Site design

The site design is dominated by white and blue colors, which are associated with the scope of the company. The bright image in the header of the main page is reduced in size on the rest — this allows you to hook the user on the first visit, and not distract from further work. And brightly contrasting controls and headings make it easy to navigate the pages.

Home page

The home page immediately lists the brands of goods that the company sells. This gives wholesale buyers a better idea of ​​the assortment than a list of goods.

Site structure

The main function of the site is to present products and promote the company on the Internet. Therefore, the site consists of the following modules:


  • Search
  • News
  • Interview
  • Catalog


The product catalog can contain an unlimited number of levels of nesting of categories. All categories are displayed in a two-level vertical menu on each page of the catalog.

Also in the lists of goods there is a filter by manufacturer, which allows users to quickly find products of a brand of interest among a large assortment.


The search module works on all pages of the site, but since the main function of the site is to present the catalog, the products found by request are displayed at the very beginning of the list of found pages.


The «News» module is a good tool to show that the company’s website is working and contains up-to-date information. It is also useful for search engine promotion — frequently changing content provokes search engines to visit the site more often. In addition, the news of the company publishes not only the news of the company itself, but of the entire industry. That allows you to attract new partners to the site.


The Interview module is similar to the News module, but contains a personal overview of news from company employees. There is no better way to show interest in users and build their trust than personal messages from management.

For partners

Instead of long texts with addresses (which are already listed on many pages), there is a feedback form on the page «Partners». This allows interested visitors to immediately send a message to company employees at any time.


In addition to design and programming, the specialists of our studio carried out filling work. About 1000 photos were taken, of which more than 350 were processed. 300 products and 50 categories were also filled. This saved Yug Region employees about a week of working time and a lot of effort.

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